Non-Family Membership

This plan offers tax-deductible non-voting memberships to individuals, organizations, businesses, or entities interested in assuming an advocacy role, creating awareness about our organization, and supporting the NLFA mission through the following supporter membership plans:

  • Friends of NLFA

    Initial Fee: $50-$100
    Annual Renewal: $50

    Benefits: Notification of current and upcoming events, NLFA membership card holder

  • Bronze Member

    Initial Fee: $300
    Annual Renewal: $300

    Benefits: Notification of current and upcoming events, membership card, 10% discounts on NLFA event tickets and merchandise (when available), NLFA T-shirt

  • Silver Member Sponsor

    Initial Fee: $500
    Annual Renewal: $500

    Benefits: 2 NLFA T-Shirts, 2 membership cards, 20% discount on NLFA sponsored event tickets, listing on NLFA website and merchandise (when available)

  • Gold Member Sponsor

    Initial Fee: $1,000
    Annual Renewal: $1,000

    Benefits: 3 NLFA T-shirts, 3 membership cards, complimentary tickets to 3 NLFA sponsored events, 20 % discount on NLFA merchandise (when available), listing on website and logo on NLFA website

  • Diamond Member Sponsor

    Initial Fee: $2,000
    Annual Renewal: $2,000

    Benefits: 5 NLFA T-shirts, 5 membership cards, promotional/marketing message, and your organization’s logo on NLFA website, 5 complimentary tickets to NLFA sponsored events, 20% discount on NLFA merchandise (when available)*

Our Sponsors and Supporters