
Negro Leagues Weekend and Turkey Stearnes Centennial

The 23rd annual Jerry Malloy Negro League Conference Celebrating Turkey Stearnes Centennial, the Negro Leagues  & Civil Rights was held in Detroit, MI July 20th-July 23rd.

Attendees enjoyed a bus tour of the city & a Meet & Greet at Hamtramck Stadium to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Stearnes’ debut with the Detroit Stars in the NNL.

There were presentations at Wayne State University, Detroit Opera House, Detroit Historical Museum, & St. Regis Hotel. There was a silent auction and art contests & essays.

The 21st Annual Negro Leagues Weekend ran concurrently from July 21st to July 23rd.  On July 22nd the first 15,000 fans received a replica Detroit Stars jersey with Turkey’s number 8 on the back & on a centennial logo patch designed by Rachele Ivy Rose. Also, the Stearnes sisters were presented a framed Detroit Stars jersey on the field.

Special thanks to Gary Gillette, SABR President, its committee and the Detroit Tigers’ organization for making this such a historical, magical moment. We all had the time of our lives!